This Blog is dedicated to telling people about what I am doing in South Korea with my teaching and about my experiences with being here. It is also to tell people back home in Canada what God is doing through me while I'm here.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Some Forgotten Korean Words

So after writing my previous post on my Korean vocabulary, I remembered some more words that I know. Here they are:
ill-ee-wah = come here (used with children and dogs)
yub-say-oh = hello or hi (on the telephone)
seg-eh = three (there are 2 sets of numbers in Korean)
haw-na = first
deul = second
set = third
net = fourth
daw-sut = fifth
sun-sig-knee = teacher
ag-ima = middle aged woman
mull-i-yo = I don't know
ball-ee = hurry fast
nay = yes
yah = hey
Ha-na-nim = God
ape-oh-da = pretty, beautiful
I will continue to add words as I learn them, but this is all for now.


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