This Blog is dedicated to telling people about what I am doing in South Korea with my teaching and about my experiences with being here. It is also to tell people back home in Canada what God is doing through me while I'm here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Speical Day in Korea: Pepero Day

Something that is very interesting in Korea are the special days that are really for no reason at all, but to make money. One of these days is Pepero Day on November 11th. It's not a holiday, but a day that people, mostly children give each other and their teachers pepero. What is peperol, you might ask? Well there are a couple of kinds of pepero, but the most basic one is a cracker cookie stick with 3/4 of it covered in chocolate. The other ones are almond pepero, which is the same as normal pepero only it has almond pieces in the chocolate, and there is noodle pepero, which is kind of like a love note chocolate with a cracker outside and chocolate on the inside.
Anyways, the children generally give these by the box. My students were quite generous and I recieved 13 boxes of pepero and 3 medium sized single sticks. It was quite nice of them to give me these, but I seriously won't eat all that chocolate. Last year I recieved about twice as much as that and I ended up sending most of it to friends and family for Christmas. I will probably be doing the same with most of this.
There is a cute and funny little song that you can check out about pepero if you have the time. Click on the link and you will go straight there. Enjoy!


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