This Blog is dedicated to telling people about what I am doing in South Korea with my teaching and about my experiences with being here. It is also to tell people back home in Canada what God is doing through me while I'm here.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My Classes

Lately I have found that my classes have been going quite well. This is the final week before we move a couple of students into higher level classes. Those students a very excited about the move and the ones who are being left behind are a little angry because they unable to move up to the next level. With all the switches that we are going to be making we are losing one class, as it is being combined into another class, and some of the class sizes are being put to their limit of 10 students. It's good to see this progress in the students. Makes me feel that I have really done my job as a teacher.
The kindergarten class, or K class, is doing much better these days. The one little girl, who was totally afraid of me, is doing much better. She's not scared of me and she now likes to show me things that she has or has done. She's one of the youngest and also one of the smartest in the class. The director's son is doing much better with his attention span, he's not all over the place. The other 3 students seem to be enjoying things. We have a sort of routine going. I come in, ask them their names, ask how they are (they know happy, sad, and angry), we sing a song, we review, we sing another song, more review, a little colouring of sorts, and then maybe they will learn a little something new (today was writing the letter D). Sometimes we will do a little activity, like when I taught them jump, run, walk, and stop, we did a little simon says sort of game. It's good. The students are now used to me and they are pretty attentive. There haven't been any tears since about 2 weeks ago. It's going well for that class.
The other class that I told you about that never liked to talk in class, are doing excellent. They have turned their attitude around. With the new text book I am able to get them to talk more and they seem to be enjoying the class more and more these days. The only problem that I have with them now is that some of the girls bring their cell phones to class and they write messeges on them during the class. It's the least of my problems, but it can be really annoying if they are not really listening to me and writing messeges on their phones.
So, overall, things are going really good for my teaching. I'm enjoying things at this time and things aren't too stressful any more. With a little over 4 months to go until I finish, I hope things continue on this road.


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