This Blog is dedicated to telling people about what I am doing in South Korea with my teaching and about my experiences with being here. It is also to tell people back home in Canada what God is doing through me while I'm here.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A Note About Valentine's Day in Korea

I guess I should mention something about how Valentine's Day or 'red day' is celebrated in Korea. In Korea Valentine's Day is for the girls to give chocolate/presents to the guys. A little different from the mutual giving of gifts/chocolate/flowers/cards that are given in Canada. I don't even think that there is an exchange of cards here, not that I saw at least. I, however, being a teacher recieved 9 chocolate bars from various elementary students. It was very nice of them to give me all this chocolate, but I just don't eat all that much chocolate. Therefore, friends in Canada, you might be recieving a little chocolate in a package that I send out to you.
What about the girls recieving any special gifts/chocolates?
Well they have their own day in March, known at the 'white day', I believe. On this day the girls are given candy/gifts.
A little note though about these two days, they are for couples only. People who are single usually don't get any sort of gift on either of these days. You say it's not fair, well I was told about one more day, I can't remember which month, but it's a day they call 'black day'. It's for those people who don't have anyone to celebrate the above 2 days with. I can't remember what they are given, but they are not left out of the loop of giving.


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