This Blog is dedicated to telling people about what I am doing in South Korea with my teaching and about my experiences with being here. It is also to tell people back home in Canada what God is doing through me while I'm here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Student Distractions

I have found that during my teaching time I have found that students become distracted by the strangest things. One of the big things that has passed, but was a huge distraction was bebe guns. For some reason the toy market came out with bebe hand guns and therefore every child needed to have one. Then they would bring them to class and shoot them off. they cause a big mess and they can also be pretty dangerous as the little balls can hurt if hit by one and if someone where to get hit in the eye I'm sure it could cause some real damage.
Once this fad had passed there were the plastic bog like characters that had power values. The students would play with these and they would be a big distraction because they liked to trade them in class and they would get distracted playing with them before class started. After the plastic character pogs there were real pogs but again these had power points and the same problem emerged as before with the plastic power pogs.
Besides those 3 distractions that are brought into the classroom, there are things that students do in class to distract each other. For example, asking to get a drink of water constantly is a big one, then comes going to the bathroom. Another big distraction is making fun of each other over little mistakes or something that someone does. They will also make fun of others who are fat or are a little slower in their learning. They will also make fun of pictures in the text books if there is a picture of a not so pretty person or if the person is of a different race they will call them ugly. Along with making fun of each other and pictures in the text books, they also make fun of the disabled or the mentally challenged. I have tried numerous times to stop the children from doing the above things, but it's very difficult. It's also hard to explain to them why it's wrong when you don't speak the language.
Swearing and sticking up the middle finger at each other is also a big distraction and for this I get very angry. I don't like to hear them saying or doing such things to each other because it is rude and disrespectful. I have called in the head teacher to explain that doing such things is terribly wrong and bad. I don't stand for this sort of thing in my class, especially when they say such things to me (as it is a rare occasion, but has happened a couple of times).
The last distraction that I have found is for students to stand at the window and shot out at people walking in the parking lot or at their friends walking by. I sometimes have to pry the students away from the window so that they are not being distracted or being a distraction to others in the class.


Blogger Char said...

cell phones and little mp3 players... those are my pet peeves in class, grrrr!

1:25 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rosalee, Try to make your class leasons as interesting as possible. Remember if you are having a fun time while learning it is easier to learn than if it is not so fun. Use your immagination and don't get into a rut with the same routine every day. I know there is always one bad kid in the bunch but don't let it get you down. Take care with Love Mom.

11:00 p.m.


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